Reviewing permissions

How to review permissions across your matter to ensure they are set correctly

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Written by Legatics Support
Updated over a week ago

Legatics allows you to set permissions across different levels of your matter (eg in your list, rows or even files!)

Any permissions you set can also be reviewed and amended at any point. If for any reason a role, organisation or user needs to have permissions updated, this can be achieved easily.

How to review permissions

Organisation visibility

  1. Go to 'manage matter' and select 'participants'.

  2. Find the organisation you want to review permissions for click the "three dots" then select "Change view permissions".

  3. Tick or un-tick the boxes beside the parties to allow or prevent them from viewing the organisation. Remember to save your changes to apply the new permissions.

List permissions

  1. Go to the "Dashboard" page of the matter and hover over the list you would like to review permissions for. Click on the padlock icon to view and amend permissions.

  2. Alternatively, open the list and click on the "padlock icon" in the blue navigation bar.

  3. Review the permissions set per party and action which can be taken in the list. Read this article for a more in-depth explanation of the list permissions. To save the changes click on 'Save'.

Row permissions

  1. Review row permissions by clicking on the padlock icon.

  2. Tick or untick the boxes beside each party to determine whether they can view the row. The amendments you made can be saved by clicking on the 'Save' button.

File permissions

  1. Review file permissions by hovering over an uploaded file and clicking on the padlock icon.

  2. Tick or deselect the boxes in access controls to determine which parties can view a file or not.

Need more assistance?

For more information on reviewing permissions, take a look at the help articles below:

If you have any further questions about reviewing permissions for a matter, please email

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