Creating templates
Liam avatar
Written by Liam
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you'll learn how to create new templates, which content can be templated and how to manage permissions on templates.

To create templates you must be a πŸͺ„ Template Administrator.

In this article

How to create templates from scratch

  1. Select the 'Templates' tab at the top of the page.

  2. Select '+ Create Template'.

  3. There are three different ways that you can create a template. To start from scratch select "Empty List".

  4. Enter data into all of the mandatory fields and click "Create".

5. The quickest way to get started is to use the import tool. Select 'Import'.

Choose to import using one of the three methods:

6. Once you have imported data, you can start to populate your template. You may want to:

βœ‹ Tip: Templates share a lot of the same functionality as lists. The 'Working with lists' articles will help here.

7. Once complete, the template will need to be published so that is is available to users.

Create templates from an existing list

If you have already created a list that you would like to reuse again and again, the below steps will show you how you can turn that list into a template. This will help save time when you need to create a list!

  1. Select the 'Templates' tab at the top of the page.

2. Select '+ Create Template'.

3. Select 'Existing list'.

4. Select the matter that the list is located in and the list itself from the drop-downs. Then decide which columns to include by selecting/de-selecting the checkboxes before clicking 'Continue'.

5. Enter data into all of the mandatory fields.

Decide if approval checkboxes on list creation is required. If this box is ticked, users will be prompted to add approval checkboxes to their list when they use the template.

Click "Create".

6. Once complete, the template will need to be published so that is available to users.

Content Templated

Templates include everything in a list such as the column structure, rows, any content, files and so on.

The only exceptions and differences are as follows:

  • Permissions can be templated at a high level only. When creating templates you can set permissions for on a 'Global' level which means all users but Matter Admins. When the matter admins are using the template to create a list, they can amend the permissions as necessary.

  • Tagging participants can't be done in the template itself such as in the Status or in the Checkboxes column.

    However, for example, you can configure checkboxes to your template and when the matter admins use the template to create a list they will be promoted to tag participants.

  • Signing view can't be templated (this is because we are currently building out our signing functionality!)

Edit template settings

You can edit your templates in a few easy steps.

  1. On the template that you would like to update the setting, click on the cog icon which says "Update settings".

  2. Now, you have the option to: rename your template, edit the description, change the category, and add/remove or rename tags.

Delete templates

  1. Click on the "Bin" icon on the template that you wish to delete.

  2. Confirm the deletion then press "Delete template".

If you have any further questions please get in touch with us at

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