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Convert Excel files into digital lists

Learn how to create structured lists in Legatics by importing data directly from Excel files

Updated over 2 months ago

Importing data from Excel files into Legatics allows you to quickly create structured lists without manual data entry. This feature is perfect for transforming static spreadsheets into actionable lists, saving time and maintaining consistency.

Whether you’re working with transaction checklists or other data, this guide will walk you through the process to ensure a seamless import experience.

Prerequisites: To create lists in a matter, you must be a Matter Admin

Note: There are some limitations when importing Excel files

Start the import

Initiate list creation

  1. Click on Create list located either on the top navigation bar or the dashboard

  2. In the Create list pop-up, choose the Excel option

Upload your file

In the screen that appears, upload you file. You can upload files by:

  • pressing Choose .xlsx file from your computer

  • dragging and dropping into the box

  • uploading from iManage

  • uploading from NetDocuments

Once you upload the file, you'll automatically be taken to the next screen

Customise the import

Once the file is imported, you can customise the data in the file before it's imported into Legatics.

Select sheet and header row

If your Excel file has multiple sheets, select the sheet to import and specify the header row to name the columns in your list. Adjust these by clicking the boxes for Sheet to Import or Header Row at the top of the import screen.

Note: You can only import one sheet at a time

Rename and remove columns

By default, all columns are included, and their names are taken from the header row. To modify these, click Edit columns and make changes in the pop-up.

Include or exclude sections and rows

You can decide to include or exclude certain rows or sections. Simply press the toggle on or off next to the relevant row or section.

Change between row and section

We try to identify whether rows in your sheet are sections. We do this by looking for rows with merged cells. If this attempt is incorrect, you can adjust it by clicking the box in the type column.

Adjust section level

By default, all sections are set as first level sections. You need to adjust these if you've got nested sections. To do this, simply press on the left and right icons next to the name of the section.

Reset and undo

If you need to undo a change, press the undo button. If you need to start over during the import process, use the reset button. Clicking this will reset to the values on import, allowing you to begin the edit process again .

Complete the import

Once you're happy with your import:

  1. Press Import at the bottom right of the screen

  2. Give your list a name and set any list-level permissions

  3. Press Create

Your list will be created with the data you imported

Next steps


Tip: If you're running into import issues, copy and paste the cells in the sheet into a new, blank spreadsheet without formatting

xlsx files only

Other spreadsheet files aren't supported

Maximum columns and rows

50 columns or 500 rows

Import into free-text columns only

It's a Excel limitation. Data in a Excel cells can be anything. Our lists are structured data.

Partially merged cells and split cells not recognised

So keep you tables nice and simple!

Special characters and formatting not recognised

We only recognise text. Anything else won't import.

Validated cells not recognised

If your file has these, you'll get an error message that "the file contains more than 500 rows."

One sheet per import

If your file has multiple sheets, do multiple imports

No editing during import

Editing is done after the table is imported

Work not saved until imported

So don't leave the page open!


Do you recognise merged cells?

Only as sections (if the entire row is merged together). Any other partial merging or splitting isn't supported. If you import tables with merged cells or split cells, you'll find data in the wrong place.

How do I get sections recognised?

Merge a group of cells in a row together, and don't add other merges in the row. Don't worry about colouring the merged row, we don't look at formatting to recognise sections.

Does this feature work for every language?

Yes, the feature is language agnostic.

Are there any limits to the number of columns or rows I can import?

Yes. You're limited to 500 rows and 50 columns.

Is my work saved when I'm working on the import?

No. You'll need to complete the import to save your work.

Demonstration files

These are a great way to test out the feature!

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