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Matter administrator

Administer your matter

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Written by Legatics Support
Updated over a week ago

What is a matter administrator?

The people responsible for administering the matter!

This role is granted to the user who creates the matter. Once the matter is set-up, the matter administrator can grant this role to any other user in the matter.

Matter administrators have full rights to view and edit data inside a matter, and decide who can view or edit data in a matter. A matter administrator cannot be restricted from viewing or editing data in a matter.

What can a matter administrator do?

Matter management

Add lists on Legatics

The organisation with the matter administrator role is able to add lists to the matter on Legatics.

Set and review matter access permissions

The matter administrator can fine-tune what other users are able to do, and see, in each matter. This is useful when ensuring that certain organisations and documents remain confidential.

Change matter details

The matter administrator can change the matter name, matter number, lead partner, matter details and whether emails are enabled for the matter or not.

Delete a matter

Only the matter administrator can delete a matter.

Import/add items to lists

Only the matter administrator has the option to import or add new rows to lists on the matter.

View and download the full audit trail

The full audit trail records all of the key actions taken on a matter by any participant.

User management

Add/remove users on a matter

Add/remove organisations on a matter

Add/remove roles on a matter

Add/remove matter administrators

Hide organisations from other users/organisations

View the matter as another participant

Who is the matter administrator?

The role is granted to any users in the organisation that has "Matter Administrator" toggled.

If you are a matter administrator, you can check who else has these rights.

  1. Click on 'Manage matter' at the top right hand of your screen and select 'Participants' on the drop-down. This will take you to the 'Participants' page.


  2. Any users in the organisation with the 'Admin' toggle turned on will have administrator rights.

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If you have any further questions please get in touch with us at

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