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Manage access to Legatics

Legatics Support avatar
Written by Legatics Support
Updated over a week ago

In this article

πŸ“Œ Tip: Now you can instantly invite users as you add them if you check the 'Instantly invite button' at the top right-hand side of the screen.

⚠️ Important: Only matter admins can add users to matters. To learn more about the matter admin role please visit this article.

How to add an individual user to a matter

  1. Click on 'Manage matter' at the top right hand of your screen and select 'Participants' on the drop down.

  2. Find the organisation you want to add this user to and use the box to enter their email address. Then click on 'Invite'.

    Please note that the user will gain instant access to the matter once invited.

  3. If the user is new to Legatics, they will receive an email notification from with a link to create an account.

  4. If the user already has an account on Legatics, they will receive an email notification from to access the matter.

How to remove an individual user from a matter

  1. Click on 'Manage matter' at the top right hand of your screen and select 'Participants' on the drop-down.

  2. Hover over the email address of the user you would like to delete from the matter and click on the 'Remove user' button which appears.

  3. Click on 'Remove user'. Please note that this deletion is permanent and that any references to this user on the matter will be removed.

How to bulk add users

  1. On the 'Manage participants' page click on the 'Bulk add users' button.

  2. Type users' email addresses into the text field separated by a comma, select the organisation they belong to, then click 'Add users'.

  3. Once they are added click on the 'three dots' within the organisation's role then click 'Invite all users'.

  4. Confirm the invitation by pressing the 'Send invites' button.

πŸ“Œ Tip: If you don't wish you invite all added users you can also invite them one by one by clicking on the 'Invite' button.

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If you have any further questions please get in touch with us at

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