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Managing sections and rows

Learn how to effectively manage sections and rows in lists, including adding, reordering, and deleting them

Updated today

In Legatics, effectively organizing your lists involves the strategic use of sections and rows. Sections act as containers that group related rows or other sections, creating a hierarchical structure that enhances list organization. Rows represent individual items or tasks within your list.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to manage sections and rows to optimize your workflow.

Where you manage sections and rows

To manage rows and sections in Legatics, you'll be using the six-dot menu located at the far left of each row or section. Clicking on the menu opens a list of actions. Holding the menu allows you to reorder rows or sections by dragging them to a new position.


Sections in Legatics act as containers that group related rows and sub-sections within a list. They help organize your data into a clear, hierarchical structure, making it easier to manage and navigate complex workflows.

Note: You can have multiple levels of sections, up to a maximum of 27

A great way to see your section levels is to use the table of contents

Adding sections

Prerequisites: You need to have the structure list permission on the list

At the same level

  1. Click the six-dot menu on the left of an existing section

  2. Select Add section above or Add section below

At the next level down

Nesting sections inside sections can be helpful. You can do this from both sections and rows. To do this:

  1. Click the six-dot menu on the left of the section or row

  2. Select Add subsection (if it's a section)

  3. Select Add section above or Add section below (if it's a row)

Moving sections

Prerequisites: You need to have the structure list permission on the list

  1. Hover over the section you want to move.

  2. Click and hold the six-dot menu to grab the section.

  3. Drag the section to the desired position in the list.

  4. To nest a section within another section, drag it until a highlighted box appears around the target section, then release. It will appear at the bottom of the section.

Tip: Moving sections is easier when all the sections are collapsed

Heads-up: It's not currently possible to move multiple rows at once

Deleting sections

Prerequisites: You need to have the delete row permission on the list

  1. Locate the section you want to delete

  2. Click the six-dot menu on the left of the section

  3. Select Delete section from the menu

  4. Confirm the deletion in the pop-up

Warning: This will permanently delete everything nested inside the section (including rows and subsections). This action is irreversible. Proceed with caution.


Rows in Legatics represent individual items or tasks within a list. Each row contains specific data related to a particular entry, such as a document, deadline, or assigned responsibility. Rows are the building blocks of your lists, providing the granularity needed to track and manage information effectively.

Adding rows from sections

Prerequisites: You need to have the add row permission on the list

  1. Click the six-dot menu on the left of an section.

  2. You can then:

    1. Add row above section (adds the row to the level above the section)

    2. Add row below section (adds the row to the level below the section)

    3. Add row inside section (nests the row inside the section)

Note: You can also add multiple rows

Adding rows from other rows

  1. Click the six-dot menu on the left of an section.

  2. You can then:

    1. Add row above

    2. Add row below

Moving rows

Prerequisites: You need to have the structure list permission on the list

Heads-up: It's not currently possible to move multiple rows at once

  1. Hover over the row you want to move.

  2. Click and hold the six-dot menu to grab the row

  3. Drag the row to the desired position in the list.

  4. To nest a row within a section, drag it until a highlighted box appears around the target section, then release.

Deleting rows

Prerequisites: You need to have the delete row permission on the list

  1. Locate the row you want to delete

  2. Click the six-dot menu on the left of the row

  3. Select Delete row from the menu

  4. Confirm the deletion in the pop-up

Warning: This will permanently delete everything in the row (including things like files and comments). This action is irreversible. Proceed with caution.

Bulk deletion

Prerequisites: You need to have the delete row permission on the list

You can bulk delete both sections and rows. To do this, simply:

  1. Select the rows and sections you want to delete

  2. Click the six-dot menu on the left of the row

  3. Select Delete rows or Delete selected (as applicable) from the menu

Tip: Hold shift to select a range of rows

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