Bulk edits

Edit multiple elements in a list at the same time

Liam avatar
Written by Liam
Updated over a week ago

Bulk edits allow you to edit data in one column (eg the status column) of multiple rows at once.

⚠️ You cannot undo bulk edits you make

How to make bulk edits

  1. Select at least two rows in a list.

    Tip: You can filter any of the fields in your list and select the filtered rows.

    Tip: You can select a section, to edit all the rows in that section.

    Tip: Select the first row, press shift and then select the last row that you need and all of the rows in-between will automatically become selected.

  2. Hover over the checkbox of of the selected rows on the far left until you see the pencil and bin icons.

  3. Click 'Edit selected'.

  4. Beneath the 'column to edit' heading, select column from your list that you wish to edit. All columns from the list you are working on will be in a dropdown menu. You can only edit one column at a time.

    Depending on the column you have selected, you can make different bulk edits (see table below for more information).

  5. Click 'update' to make the bulk edits or 'Cancel' to close the bulk edit pop-up without making any changes.

Type of column

Edits you can make

Status column

Update the status of multiple rows.

Update the participant/s required to take an action for multiple rows.

Checkbox column

Check or uncheck the checkboxes

Hide or reinstate checkboxes.

Dismiss warnings.

Free text column

Edit text in all rows.

Comments column

No bulk edits available.

Files column

No bulk edits available.

If you have any questions on how to make bulk edits to your lists, please get in touch at support@legatics.com.

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