Renaming a list

Every list can have a unique name!

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Written by Legatics Support
Updated over a week ago

As your matter progresses, you may need to make some changes to your list names. This can be done easily in Legatics and at any time.

In this article:

How to rename a list

  1. Click on 'Overview' and find the relevant list.

    Click on the pencil icon to rename the list.

    ✅ Please ensure that you press Enter after renaming your list to save the change on the platform.

  2. Alternatively, open your list and then click on the cog icon to open the list settings.

  3. Amend the name and press 'Save' to update

    You'll also find the List ID, which can be useful when contacting the Legatics support team.

Next steps

If you would like to learn more about how to manage your list, have a look at the following help articles:

If you have any questions about managing your list or require assistance, please contact us at

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