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Maintaining Ethical Walls in Legatics
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Written by Legatics Support
Updated over a week ago


Ethical walls, also known as “Brewer Nash”, “Cinderella” or “Chinese wall” (as an outdated term) models, are crucial in legal practice to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure client confidentiality. Legatics integrates robust access control and logging mechanisms to uphold these ethical standards. This article outlines how Legatics ensures the maintenance of ethical walls within its platform.

Key Features

1. Matter Access Control

Closed Matters:

  • Restricted Access: Matters are closed by default, meaning they are inaccessible to others within the customer's organization unless explicitly granted access by the matter administrator. This prevents unauthorized viewing or involvement in sensitive matters.

  • Selective Addition: Only specific individuals added by the matter administrator can access matters, ensuring tight control over who has visibility into confidential information.

2. User Addition and Logging

Logged User Additions:

  • Comprehensive Logs: Every time a user is added to a matter, the action is logged. These logs are detailed, capturing the exact user, the matter they were added to, and the time of addition. Views of a matter, document downloads and data exports are also logged. See here for a full list of auditable actions.

  • Immutable Records: The logs are immutable, ensuring that once a user addition is recorded, it cannot be altered or deleted. This guarantees a reliable audit trail.

3. Auditable Logs

Audit-Ready Logs:

  • Compliant and Secure: The logs maintained by Legatics are not only immutable but also secure. This provides a reliable means for audits, supporting compliance with legal and ethical standards. Further information on our security and compliance program, including our information security whitepaper is available from your account manager or a sales representative

4. Administrative Access Control

Admin Overrides:

  • Controlled Admin Access: Administrators have the ability to grant or revoke access to matters when required as well as add or remove users from the platform. This may be essential for situations where oversight or intervention is necessary.

Logged Admin Actions: Any access granted or revoked by administrators is logged in the system, alongside other administrator actions. This includes details of who granted access, to whom it was granted, and the timing of these actions.

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