The audit trail records all of the actions taken in a matter by participants. For example, it will record when a user uploads a document.
This lets you stay focused on the transaction, as our audit trail will automatically record who did what, and when.
In this article:
Who can access the audit trail?
The audit trail is accessible by all participants. However, participants can only see logs relating to actions that they have access to (for example, if a user can only see one file in the matter, they will only see the logs for that file, and not the logs for other files).
The matter administrator can view all actions in the audit trail.
How do I access the audit trail?
If you matter administrator rights, click on 'Manage matter' and select 'Audit trail'.
If you do not have matter administrator rights, click on 'Audit trail' in the top navigation bar (next to the "Request feature" button)
The audit trail will then load, showing logs for actions taken on the matter.
Download the audit trail
Click the ‘CSV’ icon at the top right-hand corner of the audit trail.
The CSV will download in a CSV file. Once downloaded, you can easily search the file by using 'Ctrl + F' on your keyboard. Select 'Ctrl + F' on your keyboard and type in the key word or phrase you wish to search for.
What the audit trail looks like for other participants
To view what the audit trail looks like for a particular user or organisation, simply:
View the matter as a particular user or organisation.
Go to the audit trail (following the instructions above).
⚠️ Once you've finished, remember to click back on the eye symbol and select 'Return to your view of the matter'.
What the audit trail records
Our audit trail records certain actions that users take in the matter, and data about those actions.
Data recorded
Data | Explanation |
Date | The date the action was taken |
User email | The email of the user who took the action |
User organisation | The organisation the user who took the action belongs to |
Matter name | The name of the matter where the action happened |
Location | The location in the platform where the action happened |
List ID | The UUID of the list where the action happened
⚠️ Only applicable when the action type occurs in a list |
Action type | The type of action was taken. See the below table for the action types |
Action text | Text explaining the action that was taken |
Action types
Matter information
Action type | Description |
MATTER_CREATED | A matter is created |
MATTER_VIEWED | A matter is viewed by a user |
MATTER_UPDATED | Details about the matter (name, number, description, deal type, lead partner, lead office or other offices) is updated |
Action type | Description |
ROLE_CREATED | A role (a way of grouping organisations) is created |
ROLE_UPDATED | The name of the role is updated |
ROLE_DELETED | A role is deleted |
ORGANISATION_CREATED | A organisation (a way of grouping users) is created |
ORGANISATION_UPDATED | The name or description of the organisation is updated |
ORGANISATION_DELETED | A organisation is deleted |
ORGANISATION_USER_ADDED | User added to an organisation |
MATTER_USER_INVITED | User is invited to a matter |
Lists are the core of Legatics. It's where all of the work happens!
Action type | Description |
LIST_CREATED | A list is created |
LIST_UPDATED | The name of the list, or the permissions applied to it, are changed |
LIST_DELETED | A list is deleted |
LIST_VIEWED | A list is viewed |
Action type | Description |
LIST_DOWNLOADED | The files in a list are exported to a zip file |
LIST_WORD_DOWNLOADED | The data in a list is exported to a Word file |
Our lists are made up of sections (which group rows), rows and columns
Action type | Description |
SECTION_CREATED | A section is created |
SECTION_UPDATED | The name of the section, or the permissions applied to it, are changed |
SECTION_DELETED | A section is deleted |
ROW_CREATED | A section is created |
ROW_UPDATED | The permissions applied to the row are changed |
ROW_DELETED | A section is deleted |
COLUMN_CREATED | A column is created |
COLUMN_UPDATED | The name or description of the columns, or the permissions applied to it, are changed |
COLUMN_DELETED | A column is deleted |
COLUMN_PARTICIPANT_DELETED | A participant is removed from a checkbox column |
"Stage" refers to a status contained in a "workflow". A "workflow" refers to a group of statuses, which can be applied to a status column.
Action type | Description |
STAGE_CREATED | A status is created in a workflow |
STAGE_UPDATED | The name or colour of a status in a workflow, or the permissions applied to it, are changed |
STAGE_DELETED | A status is deleted from a workflow |
STATUS_UPDATED | The status of a row is changed to another status |
STATUS_PARTICIPANT_DELETED | A participant is deleted from a status |
Action type | Description |
FILE_CREATED | New version of a document is uploaded |
FILE_UPDATED | The name of a version of a document, or the permissions applied to it, are changed |
FILE_DELETED | A version of a document is deleted |
FILE_DOWNLOADED | A version of a document is downloaded |
FILE_DELETED_MALWARE | A version of a document wasn't uploaded to Legatics because it contained malware. |
FILE_VIEWED | A user viewed a file in our native web viewer (currently only available when creating signature packs) |
Comments column
Action type | Description |
COMMENT_CREATED | A comment is created |
COMMENT_UPDATED | The name of a comment, or the permissions applied to it, are changed |
COMMENT_DELETED | A comment is deleted |
Action type | Description |
CHECKBOX_UPDATED | A checkbox is ticked, unticked, removed from the cell, or the permissions applied to it are changed |
Free text column
Action type | Description |
TEXT_UPDATED | The text in a free-text column is changed |
Date column
Action type | Description |
DATERANGE_UPDATED | Date in a cell of the column is updated |
Responsibility column
Action type | Description |
RESPONSIBLITY_UPDATED | Responsibility of cell is updated |
RESPONSIBLITY_PARTICIPANT_DELETED | Responsible participant for cell is removed |
Signing is done in each list. But there's a few action types in signing, so it's worth setting them out separately
Action type | Description |
DOCUMENT_ADDED_TO_SIGNING_VIEW | Document added to the signing view |
DOCUMENT_DELETED_FROM_SIGNING_VIEW | Document removed from the signing view |
Creating parties and signatories
Action type | Description |
LEGAL_ENTITY_CREATED | Legal entity added to the matter |
LEGAL_ENTITY_UPDATED | Name of a legal entity was changed |
LEGAL_ENTITY_DELETED | Legal entity deleted from the matter |
PERSON_CREATED | Natural person added to the matter |
PERSON_UPDATED | Natural person name was changed |
PERSON_DELETED | Natural person deleted from matter |
Adding parties and signatories to documents
Action type | Description |
SIGNING_PARTY_PERSON_CREATED | Natural person was added as a party to a document |
SIGNING_PARTY_PERSON_DELETED | Natural person was removed as a party to a document |
SIGNING_PARTY_LEGAL_ENTITY_CREATED | Legal entity was added as a party to a document |
SIGNING_PARTY_LEGAL_ENTITY_DELETED | Legal entity was removed as a party to a document |
SIGNATORY_CREATED | Natural person added as a signatory for a party to a document |
SIGNATORY_DELETED | Natural person removed as a signatory for a party to a document |
Status changes
Action type | Description |
SIGNATORY_STATUS_UPDATED | Status of a signatory for a party to a document was updated |
DOCUMENT_SIGNING_STATUS_CHANGED | Signing status of a document was updated |
Action type | Description |
DOCUSIGN_ENVELOPE_CREATED | An envelope is created from Legatics |
DOCUMENT_SENT_TO_DOCUSIGN | A document is sent to DocuSign from Legatics |
DOCUMENT_DELETED_FROM_ENVELOPE | Document removed from DocuSign envelope from Legatics |
DOCUSIGN_ENVELOPE_STATUS_UPDATED | Status of an envelope was changed |
DOCUMENT_SIGNED | Document in a DocuSign envelope was signed |
DOCUMENT_SIGNED_DOWNLOADED | Document in a completed DocuSign envelope was downloaded to Legatics |
FILE_SIGNED_CREATED | Document signed in DocuSign added as a new version of a document in Legatics |
DOCUSIGN_ENVELOPE_CERTIFICATE_DOWNLOADED | DocuSign envelope certificate downloaded to Legatics |
FILE_DOCUSIGN_CERTIFICATE_DOWNLOADED | DocuSign envelope certificate downloaded to user's computer |
DOCUSIGN_ENVELOPE_AUDIT_DOWNLOADED | DocuSign envelope history downloaded to Legatics |
FILE_DOCUSIGN_AUDIT_DOWNLOADED | DocuSign envelope history downloaded to user's computer |
Signature packs
Action type | Description |
DOCUMENT_SIGNATURE_PAGE_TAGGED | User tagged a specific page of a document as a signature page |
DOCUMENT_SIGNATURE_PAGE_UNTAGGED | User untagged a specific page of a document as a signature page |
DOCUMENT_SIGNATURE_PAGE_PARTY_TAGGED | User tagged a party to a specific page of a document |
DOCUMENT_SIGNATURE_PAGE_PARTY_TAGGED | User untagged a party to a specific page of a document |
DOCUMENT_SIGNATURE_PAGE_SIGNATORY_TAGGED | User tagged a signatory to a specific page of a document |
DOCUMENT_SIGNATURE_PAGE_SIGNATORY_UNTAGGED | User untagged a signatory to a specific page of a document |
SIGNATURE_PACK_DOWNLOADED_PARTY | User downloaded a signature pack for certain documents for a party |
SIGNATURE_PACK_DOWNLOADED_SIGNATORY | User downloaded a signature pack for certain documents for a signatory |
FILE_SIGNED_PAGES_CREATED | User uploaded a file with signed pages |
FILE_SIGNED_PAGES_DELETED | User deleted a file with signed pages |
DOCUMENT_SIGNATURE_PAGE_MATCHED | User matched a signatory to a signature page |
DOCUMENT_SIGNATURE_PAGE_UNMATCHED | User un-matched a signatory to a signature page |
Signed pages
DOCUMENT_COLLATED | User collated documents into an execution version |
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If you have any further questions please get in touch with us at