Email notifications

Keep your transaction moving

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Written by Legatics Support
Updated over a week ago

Email notifications inform participants on actions they need to take.

These notifications need to be turned on for your matter, and by the user. If a user is not receiving emails, check whether both have been enabled.

In this article:

Email notifications by user

To manage your email notifications:

  1. Click on your name at the top right of Legatics and select 'My account'.

  2. Select how often you want to receive emails

    πŸ’ You choose the minimum amount of time between emails. For example, if you select 'every hour' you will be sent an email every hour summarising, across all your matters, the actions assigned to you since your last email.

⚠️ Remember to click 'save changes' to save any changes you have made.

Below is an example of an email notification with two actions:

⚠️ Please note that

  • If a user has set to 'don't send emails', they will not receive any emails (even if they are enabled for a matter they are working on).

  • Your frequency settings will be set to 'every day' by default (if you don't change them during account set up).

Email notifications by matter

βœ… Email notifications for a matter can only be enabled by the matter administrator.

⚠️ Note: Email notifications for a matter are not enabled by default.

  1. Go to 'Manage matter' and select 'Settings' from the dropdown menu.


  2. If you would like your team and other matter participants to receive notifications, ensure that the 'Emails enabled' box is ticked.

    Alternatively, untick the box to switch off notifications.

  3. Remember to press 'Save' to save any changes you have made.

When are email notifications triggered?

You can trigger notifications to be send to roles, parties or specific users by assigning them actions in the status column.

  1. Click the 'status' button for a row and select the status you would like to change it to.


  2. From the 'action required by' menu, select which role, party or user you would like to notify. More than one role, party or user can be assigned.

If you have any further questions about email notifications, please get in touch at

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