Creating and editing statuses

How to create and edit statuses to keep track of how your matter is progressing

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Written by Legatics Support
Updated over a week ago

Statuses let you track how rows in your list are progressing. Statuses can be assigned to different participants, to specify who needs to take action on a row.

In this article

Adding status columns

  1. Add a status column to your list by using the '+' button on the right.

  2. Select 'status' under the type drop-down menu.

  3. Under workflow, you may see several pre-configured workflows.

    Workflow names come from the name of the status column in your matter.

    ⚠️ Any changes you make to a workflow will apply to other status columns in your list that use this workflow.

  4. To set statuses from scratch, select 'new empty workflow' from the dropdown (Note: We recommend that you do this for every new status).

  5. Give your status column a name. A description can also be added if you wish.

  6. Permissions can also be amended to determine who can view and set statuses in the column.

    Default access allows all the participants who are able to access the list to view and change the statuses of list items they are able to view. This can include organisations as a whole or specific users, for example.

    You may want to amend this so that only the matter administrator can change the status, as below.

  7. Once you have completed all the fields, click 'save' to finalise your status column. Then click 'Save' to save the changes.

    8. The status column will appear in your checklist is shown below.

Creating a status workflow

If you selected 'new empty workflow' when adding your status column, there will be no existing statuses. To add your own and create your workflow, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on 'Select status' and then on the arrow icon.

  2. Click on 'Edit statuses'.

  3. Type the status title into the text box and press the '+' button.

You can continue to add as many statuses you want to a workflow by following the steps above.

Editing statuses

  1. Click on the status item and then select the arrow icon.

  2. Then click on 'edit statuses'.

You can now take a number of actions on the status

Change status colour

Click on the colour bar beside the status name to change the colour of the status.

Rename status

Click on the pencil icon to rename the status

Allow participant assignment

This adds a drop-down to the status, which allows you to assign a role, organisation or user to the status

Do not allow participant assignment

This removes the drop-down from the status, which means that there is no ability to assign a role, organisation or user to the status

Refer to checkboxes for participant

If you have assigned checkbox approvals, then this option will change the overview page so that this status shows how many unchecked approvals remain.

For example, if a row has been set to the status 'under review' and there are two approval columns - one ticked and the other unticked.

The overview will show that one approval is outstanding

Delete a status

Select the bin icon to delete a status

⚠️ This action is permanent

Change who can set the status

Click the padlock icon to edit permissions for a status.

This will let you select who can change a row to this status.

If you have any questions about creating or editing statuses or need any assistance, please contact

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