When you're signing with wet-ink, Legatics enables you to manually update the signing status of documents, parties and signatories. And, in certain cases, we automate status changes based on actions you take. This serves as an efficient alternative to traditional Word-based signing checklists.
Tracking progress in Legatics
Prerequsities: You're the Matter Admin or have the view signing list permission for the specific list
With wet-ink documents, statuses are displayed in the signing view, making it easy to see who has completed their actions and where follow-ups are needed. You'll see the following statuses.
Status | Explanation |
Not sent | This is the default status for all documents when they are first added to the signing view, indicating no action has been taken yet. |
Tagging | Another user is creating signature packs with this document
Note: This is set by the system. It can't be manually set or the status changed to another status until the process is completed. |
Sent | The document has been dispatched for signing, marking the start of the signing process. |
Ready to collate | All signed pages have been received from every signatory, but they have not yet been compiled into a finalized "execution version." |
Collating | Another user is compiling signature pages into this document
Note: This is set by the system. It can't be manually set or the status changed to another status until the process is completed. |
Signed | The signed pages have been successfully collated, and a completed "executed version" of the document is now available. |
Status | Explanation |
Not sent | The default status for every signatory added to a document, indicating no action has been taken. |
Sent | The signature page has been sent to the signatory for signing, initiating the signing process. |
Signed | The signatory has completed and submitted their signed signature page. |
Note: These statuses:
are fixed and can't be changed
are different to statuses in lists
Updating signing statuses
Prerequsities: You're the Matter Admin or have the edit signing list permission for the specific list
With wet-ink documents, statuses can be updated freely. And, in certain circumstances, those statuses update automatically. This gives you the flexibility to manage signing how you want, while also reducing some of your manual work.
Manual changes
Navigate to the document in the signing view
Press on the document's status next to the actions button
Select the status you want to change the document to
Automatic changes
The document status will change automatically based on certain events.
Changes to signatory status
When | Document status changes to |
Status of any signatory changes to Sent | Sent |
Every signatory changed to Signed | Ready to collate |
Platform actions
When this action completes | Document status changes to |
Signed |
Manual changes
Navigate to the document in the signing view
Press on the status next to the signatory you want to update
Select the status you want to change the signatory to
Note: You can't change the status of a signatory to a document when that document is being:
Automatic changes
The signatory status will change automatically based on certain events.
Changes to document status
When document status changes from | All signatories status change to |
Not sent > Sent | Sent |
Any status > Ready to collate | Signed |
Any status > Signed | Signed |
Platform actions
When this action completes | Signatory status changes to |
Extracted | |
Signed |