Version 2.1 - January 2021

Introducing the Legatics 2 platform

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Written by Legatics Support
Updated over a week ago

We continually source user feedback on Legatics. One thing we consistently heard was a need for flexibility and customisation. Users wanted to run more of their transaction in one place. To respond, we set about developing Legatics 2.
With template lists to allow for more use cases, flexible columns for customisation and a simpler user interface - we are confident that Legatics 2 satisfies this need. In short, it is simpler, faster and has more use cases than ever before.
We are excited to release Version 2.1 of the Legatics 2 platform to selected users for testing. We can’t wait to hear what they do with its flexibility!

In this release

We won't touch on everything that we released, as lots of functionality from Legatics 1 has been carried across to Legatics 2.

But below are some of the key improvements from Legatics 1:

πŸ“‚ List templates

Legatics 1 had different modules for different purposes.

We have moved away from this concept in Legatics 2. Instead, we have one module (the "List" module), which comes pre-configured with 12 template lists (grouped by practice area) to get you started on multiple use cases.

You can still have as many lists as you need. But, unlike Legatics 1, every template can be completely customised after you create it.

These lists are a big part of our vision to enable you to run more of your transaction in one place. So start saying goodbye to separate Excel files and Word trackers, and hello to managing your transaction in one place.

πŸ—οΈ Flexible columns

Columns in Legatics 2 are now entirely flexible, allowing you to customise our list templates to work for you. Specifically, you can:

πŸš₯ Stand-alone statuses

Statuses in Legatics 2 are now specific to each list, and entirely customisable. Specifically, you can:

  • Add, remove, rename, pick a colour

  • Build automated workflows and conditions

  • Assign users, parties and roles to a status (not just parties)

  • Stay in control with permissions for each status

  • Get automated email notifications when a status is assigned to someone

πŸŽ–οΈ Sidebar

Is your list getting cluttered, or are you finding it hard to find different versions of files or see comments in one place? Well, we have a solution for that. Our new sidebar helps you quickly:

  • See all the versions for a file; and

  • View all the comments added to a row

πŸ“‚File versioning

Legatics now has file versioning! From our sidebar, you can see every version of a file uploaded to Legatics and it's version number.

πŸ”’ Advanced permissions

Our permissions structure has been fortified and expanded. You now have more control than ever over your transaction. You can read more about permissions, but in summary you can:

Allow other users to manage a list.

So you no longer have to give matter administrator permission to other users to let them manage a list.

Set who can see a row


Give control over who can do what for each column

Oh, one more thing. Permissions can also be set to users (not just parties).

πŸ•΅οΈ Hide parties

We heard that users In Legatics 1 were using codenames to hide the existence parties. This was a great workaround, but we really wanted to solve it in Legatics 2. So we did!

You can now hide the existence of a organisation from other participants, no codenames required.

πŸ” Audit trail

Trust is a two-way street. That's why the audit trail is now visible (and downloadable) by all participants in the matter.

But rest assured, the full audit log isn't viewable by everyone. If a participant can't see a list, or a file, or a comment (and so on), then actions relating to such items aren't visible by the participant.

Think of the audit trail like tailored disclosure.

♻️ Infinite scroll and faster loading

Every list in Legatics has infinite scroll. So page paginations are a thing of the past. And our lists load faster than ever, so we can handle your 1000 item checklists with ease (and you can scroll through them with infinite ease).

πŸ†• Move dashboard widgets

We heard from lots of users that they wanted to organise the position of their widgets (ie graphs) in the dashboard. With Legatics 2, you can move your widgets around and reorder them to your style.

🎨 Simplified design

The user experience is critical to us at Legatics. We want our platform to be simple for every lawyer to pick up, including trainees who still need to pick-up the law.

So we made a number of key improvements from Legatics 1 to improve the design, and the user experience - including:

  • Hover actions: We have decluttered the interface by removing some "always on" buttons. Now these buttons will only appear when you hover near them.

  • Improved permissions: We have removed the separate "manage permissions" page. Now you can manage permissions "in location" - which simplifies the permission experience.

    Do you need to set permissions for your list? Simple, go to your list. Do you need to manage permissions for files? You can now do that directly from the file or the file column.

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