Maintaining an organized workspace in Legatics involves periodically removing matters that are no longer active or required. This guide outlines the steps to delete matters, explains the implications of deletion, and explains how to restore them within a specified timeframe.
Deleting a matter
Go to the matters page
Find the matter you want to delete
Click on the three dots, and select Delete matter
Type Delete matter to confirm deletion
Impact of deleting a matter
When a matter is deleted:
all users will be uninvited from the matter
the matter won’t be accessible to anyone
the matter will be moved to the bin tab (where you can restore it)
after 60 days in the bin, all of the data in the matter (except for limited metadata) will be permanently deleted
Tip: We send an email to every System Admin when a matter is deleted.
Restoring a matter
Good to know: You can only restore matters that have been deleted in the last 60 days
Go to matters > bin
Find the matter you want to restore
Click Restore next to the matter
Click Restore matter in the pop up that appears
Note: When a matter is restored:
Users who were in a matter are kept in an "uninvited" state. So you'll need to add a matter admin who can then invite users. A pop-up appears after restoration to enable this.
The matter moves back to the live/demo tabs (as applicable)
Can I delete both demo and live matters?
Can I delete both demo and live matters?
Yes, the deletion process applies to both demo and live matters.
Can I recover a deleted matter?
Can I recover a deleted matter?
Yes, if it's been deleted in the last 60 days.
What happens to the data after permanent deletion?
What happens to the data after permanent deletion?
After 60 days in the bin, all data is permanently deleted, except for limited metadata retained for analytical purposes.
Is there a way to recover a matter after permanent deletion?
Is there a way to recover a matter after permanent deletion?
No, once a matter is permanently deleted after the 60-day period, it cannot be recovered.