Matters explained

Streamline your matter management

Ryan Turner avatar
Written by Ryan Turner
Updated over a week ago

The "Matters" section is your go-to for managing your Legatics matters. Discover information about your matters, and take actions on them, all from one convenient location.

What tables are in the matters section?

We breakout your matters into separate tables, so the data is easier to manage 🥳

Live matters

Gain a bird's-eye view of all live matters. This table provides a snapshot of essential matter details, including who created the matter and when it was last active.

Demo matters

These are a great way for users to test Legatics. But you'll want to be sure that they aren't being used for client matters. And the demo matters table is your place to do that!

Deleted matters

Matters sometimes need to be deleted from Legatics. It's a shame when that happens, as you lose lots of the valuable data stored in the matter. But don't worry, we keep some of the metadata (being all of the data in the Matters Report) so that you can still drive analytics and reports.

Prior to 14 February 2024, when a matter was deleted all data was deleted. So any matters deleted prior to this date won't appear in this table.

What data is in the tables?

The tables focus on providing high-level information, so you can quickly understand if you need to take action on a matter. More detailed information about each matter is available in the Matters Report.

To make it easier to navigate the table, only certain data is displayed by default. Simply pressing "Display columns" lets you see more data if you need it!




The name of the matter


The number given by the user to the matter

Deal type

The deal type specified for the matter


The lead partner in the matter

Lead office

The lead office in the matter

Other offices

Number of other offices in the matters


Number of lists in the matter


Number of documents in the matter (excludes versions)


Number of Members in the matter


Number of Guests in the matter


Number of Matter Administrators

Created by

Name of user who created the matter

Created on

The date the matter was created

Last active

The last date there was activity in the matter

Deleted by*

Name of the user who deleted the matter

Deleted on*

Date the matter was deleted

* Only appears in the deleted matters table

What actions can I take on matters?

Streamline matter oversight by adding administrators with just a few clicks.

Get an understanding of each matter, without needing to be admin of that matter. With the "View Matters" you can see into any matter, ensuring that you stay informed about every matter.

Maintain matter hygiene by easily removing unnecessary matters. The "Delete Matters" function empowers you to declutter and refine your environment, keeping it organized and focused on what truly matters.

How to get to matters

  1. Log in: Access the admin system with your credentials.

  2. Navigate to Matters: Find the "Matters" section in the sidebar

  3. Select the required table: Choose from live, demo or deleted

  4. Take your action: You're now ready to manage your matters!

Need assistance?

Should you encounter any hiccups or have questions about managing matters, our dedicated support team is here to assist.

Reach out via and we'll help you stay in control.

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