Users explained

Streamline your user management

Ryan Turner avatar
Written by Ryan Turner
Updated over a week ago

The "User" section is your go-to for managing who can access your data. Discover information about users, and take actions on them, all from one convenient location.

How are users defined?

The administration system uses the below terms, and they are included in the data reports.


Users from your organisation who have Legatics accounts.

You can see more data about Members, and they can be granted permissions in your Legatics environment.


Anyone who isn't a Member, and can access one or more of your matters.

Members are defined by reference to your email domain. When you setup Legatics, you provide us with a list of email domains (eg Users self-register for accounts. When they do, we assign them to you as a Member if their email matches one of the email domains you provided.

What tables are in the users section?

We breakout your users into separate tables, so the data is easier to manage 🥳


Effortlessly oversee your active members in one consolidated view. The Members table is your go-to for understanding who in your organisation has a user account, and information about their account.


Effortlessly oversee external users in one consolidated view. The Guests table is your go-to for understanding who outside your organisation can access your matters, and information about their access.

The number of Guests will fluctuate, as they get added or removed from your matters


Easily manage and track the status of deactivated user accounts, ensuring a clean and organized user landscape.


If users have an account before you become a customer, they need to be manually assigned to your environment as a Member. This table lets you do this work!

This table won't appear if you don't have any unassigned users

What data is in the tables?

The tables focus on providing high-level information, so you can quickly understand if you need to take action on a user. More detailed information about each user is available in the Users Report.




The name of the user


The email of the user

Matters viewable

Number of your matters the user can view

Matters created*

Number of matters the user has created

Created on*

Date the user was created

Last active

The date the user was last viewed one of your matters


The permissions the user has*


If the user was a “Member” or “Guest” at deactivation**

Deactivated by**

The user who deactivated the user**

Deactivated on**

The date the user was deactivated**

* Data only available for Members

** Data only available in Deactivated table

What actions can I take on users?

Members can can be granted specific permissions in your environment. These are controlled by the System Administrator.

The permissions that can be given to Members are:

  • Create matter: Every member has this permission. It can't be taken away from them.

  • Template Administrator: Allows the Member to manage templates.

  • System Administrator: Allows the Member to manage the admin system (excluding templates).

Our "Deactivate" feature stops a user from accessing your matters. It does this by removing them from all of your matters, and stops them from being added to any matter until they are reactivated.

Our "Activate" features lets a user access your matters again. But the user won't get access to the matters they could view prior to deactivation

If users have an account before you become a customer, they need to be manually assigned to your environment as a Member. This action lets you do this work!

How to get to users

  1. Log in: Access the admin system with your credentials.

  2. Navigate to Matters: Find the "Users" section in the sidebar

  3. Select the required table: Choose from members, guests, deactivated or unassigned

  4. Take your action: You're now ready to manage your users!

Need assistance?

Should you encounter any hiccups or have questions about managing users, our dedicated support team is here to assist.

Reach out via and we'll help you stay in control.

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