System overview

Learn about the admin system, what it does, and how to access it

Ryan Turner avatar
Written by Ryan Turner
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the nerve centre of your environment – the Administration System! This system is your go-to hub for extracting data, managing matters and users and controlling your environment.

How's the system structured?

πŸ“Š Insights

Transform data into strategic and adoption intelligence

Get a quick snapshot of how many matters have been created, and how many users have access to your environment.

Our downloadable reports provide deep data insights into matters, lists in matters, users, and matter activity. It's not just information; it's actionable intelligence for informed decision-making.

πŸ’Ύ Manage

Take control over the data in Legatics

The "Matters" section is your go-to for managing your Legatics matters. Discover information about your matters, and take actions on them, all from one convenient location.

The "User" section is your go-to for managing who can access your data. Discover information about users, and take actions on them, all from one convenient location.

βš™οΈ Setup

Take control over your environment

Seamlessly integrate SSO, iManage and DocuSign, optimizing Legatics for a cohesive user experience.

Deliver knowledge directly to users and stay on brand. With our:

  • Word templates you can ensure every lawyer is seamlessly on-brand

  • List templates, you can create, customise and publish your own templates so that they're starting from your best practice

Word templates are managed and setup by us.

List template management currently sits outside of the Administration System (in Legatics).

Both will be moving to the Administration System in the future!

πŸ”Ž Other

The "Audit Trail" is your gateway to transparency and accountability within our administrative system. This feature is designed to provide a comprehensive record of every action performed by system administrators, ensuring that you have a clear and detailed account of all activities.

The Administration System sends you emails when certain events happen. Currently, emails are only triggered when a matter is created. If you want more, let us know!

We've got a dedicated space for you to submit idea, see what's coming and learn what's been released. You can access it from the link above, or directly from the admin system.

What are the permissions in the system?

User roles in Legatics


Users from your organisation who have Legatics accounts.

You can see more data about Members, and they can be granted permissions in your Legatics environment.


Anyone who isn't a Member, and can access one or more of your matters.

Members are defined by reference to your email domain. When you setup Legatics, you provide us with a list of email domains (eg Users self-register for accounts. When they do, we assign them to you as a Member if their email matches one of the email domains you provided.

Permissions that can be granted to Members

System Admin

Anyone with this permission can access the Legatics Administration

Template Admin

Anyone with this permission can amend your templates

Create matter

By default, all members can create matters. This permission can't be revoked from a Member

How do I access the system?

You need to be a System Administrator to access the Admin System

We grant this to a designated person when your environment is setup. From there, System Administrators control who else gets this permission

  1. Log in to Legatics

  2. Click on your name in the top right corner

  3. Press "Admin System"

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